SOLIDARITY with Homeless Lone Parent Being Taken to Court by Council for “Rent Arrears”

Meet 5.45 pm this Wed 21 March at Leith Library, 28-30 Ferry Rd, Edinburgh EH6 4AE To go to Council Leader Adam McVey’s surgery which starts at 6 pm Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty can now give more details of this Wednesday’s very important solidarity call-out. Meet 5.45 pm this coming Wednesday at Leith Library to…Read moreRead more

Universal Credit is Universally Crap!

#StopandScrap Universal Credit ECAP is protesting against Universal Credit (or UC) as part of the Britain-wide campaign called by Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC). UC is a means-tested benefit for everyone of working age – It will involve an increasingly tougher set of conditions applied to those who are unemployed, and in low paid work….Read moreRead more

Let`s Stop the Absurdity of the Genuine Prospect of Work Test: Building Solidarity with Migrants in Post-Brexit Britain

The solidarity call-out and the complaints filed by ECAP at Leith Jobcentre today resulted in positive news: the last minute cancellation by the DWP of the unfair Genuine Prospect of Work test on our comrade, an unemployed EU migrant worker who has been in the country working for almost a decade. Though this is only a temporary reprieve,…Read moreRead more

Stop & Scrap Universal Credit: CANCELLED

*****PROTEST CANCELLED***** It is important we don’t forget about this demo on the 1st of March: For the first time ever people in work could face being sanctioned (having their benefits stopped) if they don’t prove to the jobcentre that they’re searching for better paid work or more hours. Pensioner couples will also be affected…Read moreRead more


No to slum homeless hostels! Homes for all! This was the message from the dozens of demonstrators who defied the snow to demonstrate at Abbots House homeless hostel in Edinburgh on 17 January. Edinburgh Council are paying millions to private landlords like the owners of Abbots House who are housing the homeless in disgraceful conditions….Read moreRead more