Please note that benefits/ legal information can change frequently and if relying on information it is important to check it is up-to-date. The information on this page is current when we post it but we are all volunteers and we cannot guarantee our efforts to keep the page up-to-date are always successful. Please look out for the notices stating when the page/ section was last updated and double-check anything important for your situation. Sources for current info include our Links page.

We are working to update our page on Universal Credit, in the meantime the links below should be useful. If you are having problems with the deeply unfair and unjust Universal Credit system do contact ECAP at for support. And remember you have the right to be accompanied to all benefits appointments including those at the Jobcentre.

The excellent activist group Winvisible produced this Self-help guide to Universal Credit in May 2023.

See also Universal Credit – a guide for disabled claimants, from Disability Rights UK (scroll down the page for the free download)

Plus factual info on Universal Credit rules below:

Universal Credit factsheets from Child Poverty Action Group

Guide to Universal Credit from

Last updated June 2024

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