ECAP is in total solidarity with migrants – everyone should have the right to what they need to live a good life. Racism only benefits the bosses by dividing the working class.

We are currently working on updating our page on Migrants rights and Migrant solidarity – in the meantime we hope the links below are useful

If you are a migrant please do contact us at for info and support eg in connection with benefits rights, housing and poverty issues.

(Sorry we are not qualified to give immigration status advice, for such advice see links below to groups such as Citizens Rights Project, Ethnic Minorities Law Centre, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants and Citizens Advice Scotland)

Citizens Rights Project

Citizens Advice Scotland

Ethnic Minorities Law Centre

Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants

JCWI write: “ JCWI has more than 50 years’ experience fighting for justice for those who are vulnerable. We deal with all areas of asylum and immigration law and we are recognised as experts in this field. We employ five solicitors and our legal team represents clients at all stages of the legal process, including: Applications to the Home Office. Entry Clearance. Appeals. Judicial Review.”

Edinburgh Antiraids

“Resisting immigration raids and the hostile environment in Edinburgh and Leith!

DM us or contact to get involved “ This linktree site includes an information flyer on “How to spot and stop immigration raids”

Migrant Rights Network

Positive Action in Housing Homelessness & human rights charity for migrants – Glasgow-based

Scottish Refugee Council Help and advice for refugees and asylum seekers

Ubuntu Women Shelter

“ Glasgow – based charity that provides unconditional practical support for destitute women and people of other marginalised genders who have no recourse to public funds and insecure immigration status in Scotland.”

Right to Remain

including The Right to Remain Toolkit : A guide to the UK immigration and asylum system and Work Exploitation and Migrant Workers’ Rights

Last updated July 2024

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