Please check the site & our links first before contacting. We also use our Facebook page to pass on day-to-day information. If you’d like to get involved in ECAP or a similar group elsewhere we actively encourage you to contact us!

Benefit Guides

Working / Child Tax Credits

Bedroom Tax

ESA & the WCA



Universal Credit
Personal Independence Payment

Workfare / Employability

Find a Job


Legal Advice


Housing / Benefit / Landlords
Migrants / Refugees


Fuel Poverty




Benefit Guides

The Advice Shop Service provided by the City of Edinburgh Council


CPAG Factsheets

Benefits Guide

Age UK UK Government website

Citizens Advice

Jobseeker’s Allowance Guide 2010

Working Tax Credits & Child Tax Credits

CPAG Guide to Tax Credits

HM Revenues & Customs Information on income tax, tax credits and child benefit

ESA & the WCA

Disability Rights UK ESA overview

WCA Points System

Descriptors for ESA Support Group

Test to See if Qualify for ESA

A Claimants’ Guide to ESA & Atos

DWP Guidance on Work Capability Assessments For Healthcare Professionals (i.e. ATOS/IAS)

Advice for Service Veterans Facing Atos

Info & Template Letter on Appealing ATOS Decisions But see the guide to the new procedure below

CAB Guide to Making a Complaint About Atos

Useful Guide to Filling in ESA50 Forms

Benefit Exam Exemptions This link is also on our page ‘Benefit Medical Exams’


TURN2US Guide to Jobseeker’s Allowance Sanctions

JSA Hardship Payment guidelines


Citzens Advice Guidance on ESA Appeals

Backdated ESA After Mandatory Reconsideration (if you appeal)

Disability Rights Guide to ‘Reconsideration & Appeals’

CPAG Guide to the New Rules & Procedures for Appealing Decisions 

CPAG Appeal Toolkit

DWP Decision Makers’ Guide

Advice Now Advice and free letter templates

Universal Credit

SUCA Alliance committed to scrapping Universal Credit

Guide to Universal Credit

Work Related Requirements for the Employed 

CPAG Resources on Universal Credit

Personal Independence Payment

CAB Help filling in your PIP form Goes through questions one by one

Government Site to Check How PIP Affects You

PIP Information An adviser guide to Personal Independence Payment regulations and case law

Updated Guidance on PIP Safety Points awarded by decision-makers revised [2018]

Benefit Exam Exemptions This link is also on our page ‘Benefit Medical Exams’

Workfare / Employability

DWP Guide on Back to Work Schemes

Securing Your Rights on Workfare

Work Programme Provider Mandation Guidance 2012

Know Your Rights on Workfare Schemes

Work Programme Survival Guide from SUWN

Find A Job

For automated Job Searches


Consumer Action Group Debt Section

CAP Debt Help Free debt help & support, Edinburgh area

Advice Scotland This Glasgow blog has useful info on debt

Debt Advice in Scotland 

National Debtline Guide to Bankruptcy & Sequestration in Scotland

Enforcing a Debt The law on enforcing a debt against you

Debt Advice UK Free & paid advice

Accountant in Bankruptcy Scotland only. Can be useful but watch what you say as they are a government organisation.

StepChange Debt advice charity

Legal Advice

Govan Law Centre

Birmingham Peoples Centre Free employment rights advice in Birmingham

Bar Pro Bono Unit

Disability Law Service

Edinburgh University School of Law Free legal advice (closed during summer months)

Scottish Legal Aid Board Find a legal aid solicitor in Scotland

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Public sector complaints

Details of the 2012 Welfare Act

CAB Guide to Police Powers in Scotland

Sandy Adirondack Employment law including volunteering

Ethnic Minorities Law Centre


How to Deal with a Benefit Fraud Interview England and Wales ONLY

AdviceNow’s Guide to Being Interviewed Under Caution by DWP

Housing & Landlords

Living Rent Scotland’s Tenants’ Union

Discretionary Housing Payment What is DHP?

Housing Benefit 2 Home Payment

Shelter Scotland

Focus E15 Mothers Newham Mothers fight for housing in London

Radical Housing Network London based

Housing Action Southwark & Lambeth

Haringey Housing Action

Defend Council Housing

Benefit to Society Campaign 

Housing Systems

Lambeth Housing Activists

Generation Rent

London Renters’ Union

ACORN Tenants’ Union

Migrants / Refugees

Scottish Refugee Council Help and advice for refugees and asylum seekers

NELMA London based campaign organisation

The Migrants’ Rights Network

The AIRE Centre Source of information relating to migrant worker, benefits & welfare rights

Positive Action in Housing Homelessness & human rights charity for migrants

Ubuntu Women Shelter For those in Glasgow with ‘no recourse to public funds’

EU Settlement Scheme official government site

Work Exploitation and Migrant Workers’ Rights


Inclusion Scotland Relevant info for disabled claimants & generally

Family Fund Grants for those raising a disabled or seriously ill child/young person

CPAG Guide to benefits for disabled children and their carers

Disability Rights Benefit fact sheets

Disability Information Scotland Advice on general disability issues + can refer you to specialist organisation

Universal Credit and Disability

Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living (LCiL) Edinburgh

Grapevine Disability Information Services Based at LCiL

National Entitlement Card Free bus travel throughout Scotland

Equally Ours


Gingerbread advice and support for single parents

One Parent Families Scotland

DWP Service Standards Includes how to complain

Turn2us Benefits Calculator Check what you should be getting

Equality & Human Rights Commission

Financial Ombudsman Service Advice with your financial dispute

Independent Case Examiner Jobcentre and Child Support Agency complaints

DWP Policy on Financial Redress for Injustice Resulting from Maladministration

Civil Service Staff Code of Conduct may be useful at DWP!

Fuel Poverty

Energy Action Scotland

Fuel Poverty Action Group taking action against rip-off energy bills with useful help & advice

Warm Home Discount (WHD)

End Fuel Poverty Coalition


Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh (ACE) home to ECAP & many other groups

Crossroads Womens Centre

Salford Unemployed & Community Resource Centre

Participation & the Practice of Rights PPR Project Belfast

Glasgow Autonomous Space (GAS) 

Bath Against Cuts

Boycott Workfare

Defend the Right to Protest

Dundee Against Austerity Campaign to unite low paid workers and claimants

Hastings Solidarity Local solidarity in Hastings, England

Ipswitch Unemployed Action Fighting for the rights of the Unemployed

Leeds Welfare Fightback Against benefit sanctions, benefit cuts and misery of work

Leicestershire Solidarity Group

London Coalition Against Poverty – On facebook

Solidarity Federation UK section of the International Workers Association (IWA)

The Poor Side of Life Charlotte Hughes – regular jobcentre demo, helping claimants

Teeside Solidarity Movement

Stockport United Against Austerity Helping claimants & fighting cuts

Welsh Claimants Union Advice and support for benefit claimants

Brighton Solidarity Federation Solidarity with public, collective struggles in housing, workers, migrants etc.

Brighton Benefits Campaign

CASE Central Brighton based welfare rights & community centre

Haringey Solidarity Group Activists fighting housing issues & much else

Liverpool Solfed


Auckland Action Against Poverty Against neoliberal agenda on jobs, welfare and poverty

Ontario Coalition Against Poverty Campaigning for the poor and working people

Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union Campaigning for the unemployed & the welfare state

Seattle Solidarity Network First hand account of fighting poverty in Seattle

Netherlands Doorbraak Dutch, anti-workfare group (similar work to boycott workfare)

Aktive Arbeitslose Austrian anti-workfare campaign

Skya Greece Greek activists fighting in Greece

LabourNet TV Films on labour movement struggles worldwide

German Unemployed Fight Back Short films in German

Dole Action Group Melbourne, Australia

[Last Updated: January 2021]

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