Solidarity protest with homeless people End the Horror of SLUM HOMELESS HOSTELS IN EDINBURGH Wednesday 17 January 10am – 11.30am Abbots House 10 Links Place EH6 7EZ Abbots house was recently reviewed as “absolutely disgusting”, but its business is flourishing. Its owner is making a fortune from exploiting homeless people placed there by Edinburgh City Council. Share…Read moreRead more


We urge the Scottish Government to take the following important steps to improve devolved social security.  Working with other groups like Action Against Austerity and We are all Daniel Blake, ECAP aim to help create a movement strong enough to insist the new devolved powers are used to make positive changes, in the face of…Read moreRead more

Stop the Evictions, Campaigners Tell Edinburgh Council

Single mothers hit by the Benefits Cap and their supporters once more descended on Edinburgh Council on 3rd October. Demonstrators protested outside the City Chambers on the Royal Mile and then moved into the public gallery to support the deputation addressing the Council committee meeting. “Scrap the Benefits Cap” and “Stop the Evictions” demand the…Read moreRead more

On The Jobcentre Front Line

A recent advocacy stall at High Riggs Jobcentre in Edinburgh saw ECAP meet two claimants needing immediate support – we accompanied both into the Jobcentre there and then. This resulted in decent outcomes for both claimants, not least due to the claimants sticking up for themselves. Both cases involved attempts by the Jobcentre to deny…Read moreRead more

Atos KILLS: We Fight Back

Friday 21 July Edinburgh – ATOS KILLS : WE FIGHT BACK – Support the Disabled People Against Cuts Week of Action Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty and the Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh are calling for action in Edinburgh on Friday 21st July as part of the Disabled People Against Cuts Britain-wide week of action.    Gather…Read moreRead more