Scottish Colleges – STOP Involvement with DWP Threats & Sanctions

Unemployed claimants are being forced to go on compulsory courses run by Scottish colleges under threat of sanctions. This is despite the fact that Employability Services were devolved in April 2017 and the Scottish government has declared that all devolved Employability Services are voluntary. Share This:

Stop the Evictions of Families & Children

11 families and 42 children face eviction from their privately rented homes in North Edinburgh due to the Benefits Cap – some have already been evicted and are in appalling homeless hostels.  This injustice is affecting families throughout Edinburgh, Scotland and Britain. DEMONSTRATE AT EDINBURGH COUNCIL MEETING, CITY CHAMBERS, HIGH STREET THURSDAY 29 JUNE, 9.30AM ONWARDS…Read moreRead more

Cutting Disability Benefits Kills: Week of Action 23 – 30 June 2017

SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT – STOP THE RE-ASSESSMENT OF DISABILITY LIVING ALLOWANCE – 48% ARE LOSING BENEFITS Edinburgh demo/ lobby 4.30pm – 5.30/6pm Mon 26 June At Ben Macpherson MSP’s surgery Leith Library, 28 – 30 Ferry Road, EH6 4AE Scotland-wide demo 11.30am onwards Thurs 29 June At Scottish Parliament, Holyrood – to coincide with First Minister’s…Read moreRead more

Scrap the Benefits Cap! Tory Offices Occupied

Mothers and children facing eviction and their supporters occupied Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson’s Edinburgh offices on 7th June to demand an end to the benefits cap. At least 11 families and 42 children face eviction from their privately rented homes in North Edinburgh due to the Benefit Cap drastically cutting their Housing Benefit, resulting…Read moreRead more

Stop the Evictions! Everyone has the Right to a Home!

Families from North Edinburgh facing eviction due to the Benefits Cap are taking action to insist on their right to a home. On 18 May dozens of people took over the Edinburgh City Council Chambers building as the Council held its first post-election meeting.  People also occupied the Council North Office in Pilton on both…Read moreRead more