Protesters denounce sanctions & workfare at Edinburgh Jobcentre

Demonstrators denouncing sanctions and workfare besieged High Riggs Jobcentre in Edinburgh on Wednesday 29th April. Braving pouring rain, protesters from Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty and other groups displayed banners and placards and distributed hundreds of leaflets urging claimants to resist benefits sanctions and the government’s compulsory “work for your benefits” schemes. At one point the…Read moreRead more

Take action against Sanctions and Workfare

No to Sanctions and Workfare Demonstrate at High Riggs Jobcentre, by Tollcross, Edinburgh 11am – 1pm Wed 29th April High Riggs Jobcentre Organised by Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty as part of the Week of Action co-ordinated through Boycott Workfare.  Supported by Edinburgh Anarchist Federation, Greater Leith Against The Cuts, the Industrial Workers of the World, and Edinburgh Anti-Cuts Alliance No workfare….Read moreRead more

Protests to besiege Maximus in Work Capability Assessment storm

Protests will be held Britain-wide on March 2nd to denounce US based company Maximus and its takeover of the Work Capability Assessment, previously run by the French IT company ATOS.   In Edinburgh demonstrators are set to descend on the Maximus Assessment Centre in Argyle House on Lady Lawson Street from 1pm onwards on Monday. The day of action has…Read moreRead more

Solidarity with Unemployed Activist Arrested for Representing a jobseeker: Day of Action at Jobcentres Britain-wide 25 February 2015

Solidarity protest at Arbroath Job Centre Scottish Unemployed Workers Network activist Tony Cox was arrested on 29th January after Arbroath Jobcentre management called police to stop him representing a vulnerable jobseeker.  We urge you to join a Day of Action on 25th February at Jobcentres round Britain to show your solidarity. We must fight back…Read moreRead more


11am onwards Sat 31st January at Salvation Army charity shop, 36 Earl Grey Street, by Tollcross, Edinburgh EH3 9BN    (Earl Grey St is an extension of Lothian Rd, its the last block before Tollcross – 10 minutes walk from west end of Princes St.) The Salvation Army are a notorious user of the government…Read moreRead more