Demonstrators shut down workfare provider Learndirect in Edinburgh

9th October, Edinburgh: Demonstrators shut down workfare contractor Learndirect, as the company cancelled its session for jobseekers forced onto the government’s compulsory work-for-your-benefits programmes.  Learndirect’s office in Conference House, Morrison Street was besieged by around 60 protesters denouncing the slave labour schemes.  Learndirect are owned by giant private equity firm LDC, in turn part of…Read moreRead more

SHOP A WORKFARE EXPLOITER! Forced to work for benefits ? Fight back!

Tollcross, Edinburgh Salvation Army shop besieged by anti workfare protesters Tell Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty the names of any charity or company using the exploiting workfare schemes. You can do this anonymously, and we never reveal our sources. We will contact the workfare user and explain why they should stop. If they don’t, we can…Read moreRead more


The City of Edinburgh Council have agreed to pay all tenants hit by the bedroom tax the money they need to cover the tax in full, without the need for means-testing or filling in forms. Lothian Anti Bedroom Tax Federation delegates addressed the full Council meeting on 26 June. Following the deputation, councillors unanimously agreed…Read moreRead more


Anti workfare demonstrators occupied Learndirect offices in Edinburgh on 12th June.  After occupying for an hour, protesters then moved to cover the office entrance with a huge banner declaring IF YOU EXPLOIT US, WE WILL SHUT YOU DOWN.  Police attended but the occupation continued despite their presence.  There were no arrests. Occupation of Learndirect’s Edinburgh offices…Read moreRead more

Anti Workfare protesters shut down Salvation Army store in Edinburgh

Anti workfare blockade of Salvation Army Anti workfare protesters blockaded Edinburgh’s main Salvation Army shop for three hours on Saturday 5th April. Demonstrators defied police to hold a giant banner proclaiming IF YOU EXPLOIT US, WE WILL SHUT YOU DOWN right across the Earl Grey Street shop’s front door. Dubbed The Starvation Army, the charity…Read moreRead more