Anti workfare flying pickets rock Salvation Army in Edinburgh

Anti workfare campaigners swooped on four Salvation Army shops in Edinburgh on 3rd March, blockading them all and turning away customers and a delivery lorry.  Salvation Army managers were visibly rattled as a giant banner proclaiming IF YOU EXPLOIT US WE WILL SHUT YOU DOWN blocked the entrance to their shops. The manager at the…Read moreRead more


The DWP have apologised and admitted they were wrong to call the police to eject an Edinburgh Claimants representative from the High Riggs Job Centre at Tollcross, Edinburgh.  This re-affirms that claimants always have the right to be accompanied by their own choice of representative and is an important victory for claimants’ right to organise….Read moreRead more

Beat the Work Capability Assessment!

As people all round Britain protested at ATOS assessment centres on 19th February, Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty has published a new revised and expanded version of our article on how to deal with the Work Capability Assessment.  If you or a friend is facing an assessment for Employment and Support Allowance, Disability Living Allowance or Personal…Read moreRead more

Anti workfare demonstrators blockade Salvation Army shop in Edinburgh

Demonstrators opposing workfare and sanctions blockaded a large Salvation Army charity shop in central Edinburgh on 7th December. The approximately 40 protesters included some unemployed people who had themselves been press-ganged to work for nothing in Salvation Army charity shops. IF YOU EXPLOIT US WE WILL SHUT YOU DOWN was the clear message on a giant banner which…Read moreRead more

Saturday 7 December – Act Against Workfare and Benefit Sanctions

WEEK OF ACTION AGAINST BENEFITS SANCTIONS AND WORKFARE As part of the Britain-wide week of action from 2 – 8 December, coordinated through Boycott Workfare, we will be leafleting Job Centres during the week, and on Saturday 7 December organising a demonstration.  If you believe we need to take action to stop the brutal attacks on…Read moreRead more