Resist Mandatory Work Activity!

Unemployed claimants are being forced onto the Mandatory Work Activity scheme.  This means you have to work for nothing for four weeks just to get your benefits.  If you don’t turn up for the slave labour you are likely to have your Job Seekers Allowance stopped.  We have heard that this nasty workfare scheme is…Read moreRead more

Demonstrators besiege Leith Jobcentre – police manhandle protesters out of building

Demonstrators besieged Leith Job Centre in Edinburgh on 11th July to oppose the 30% sanctions target set by a  new manager there.  Police manhandled protesters who entered the building and announced that the Public  Order Act was in force.  Part of the Boycott Workfare Week of Action Against Workfare, the demo denounced all work-for-your-benefits schemes, and proclaimed…Read moreRead more

DWP sanctions cranked up

NO TO SANCTIONS TARGETS AT LEITH JOB CENTRE! DEMONSTRATE THURSDAY 11th JULY 10am – 12 noon NO TO SANCTIONS – NO TO WORKFARE – NO TO AUSTERITY Gather 10am onwards at Leith Job Centre, 199 Commercial Street, EH6 6QP Part of the Boycott Workfare Week of Action against Workfare   The Department For Workfare and…Read moreRead more

Anti bedroom tax groups demand justice for Margaret

Edinburgh Council tenant Margaret has been denied an exemption for bedroom tax by City of Edinburgh Council despite being clearly entitled – she has overnight carers stay every night.  She wrote to the CEC as early as February applying for an exemption.  Instead of granting the exemption the Council have been phoning her up threatening…Read moreRead more


Check out our links page for further information. The Jobcentre adviser has no power to just tell you that you have to create a Universal Jobmatch account. Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty have supported several unemployed claimants who have successfully declined to create a Universal Jobmatch account, without suffering any sanctions. You can only be forced…Read moreRead more