May Day For Workfare Exploiters

May Day in Edinburgh saw anti workfare demonstrators touring companies and charities using unpaid forced labour.  Starting with an excursion into the giant Homebase at St Leonards the protestors from Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty went on to visit no fewer than 7 exploiting employers. At Homebase demonstrators roamed the store putting up stickers – THIS EMPLOYER USES FORCED UNPAID…Read moreRead more

Appeal against the bedroom tax!

DISCRETIONARY HOUSING PAYMENTS Everyone hit by the Bedroom Tax should apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment – if awarded this tops up your Housing Benefit.  It is normally reviewed regularly.  The application form can be downloaded from the url below in the Council site or ask for one at the local council office. Don’t…Read moreRead more


NO TO THE BEDROOM TAX – DEMO IN EDINBURGH  Saturday 30 March. Meet 12 noon St Andrews Square, march at 12.45pm to Scottish Parliament.  See “Bedroom Tax that broke the Cameron Back Protest (Edinburgh)” on Facebook THE BEDROOM TAX – DEFEND YOUR HOME From 1st April the bedroom tax will hit many tenants in social housing…Read moreRead more

Two workfare exploiters shut down in Edinburgh

Anti workfare demonstrators shut down British Heart Foundation and Salvation Army shops in Edinburgh on Saturday 23rd March. The actions, part of the Britain-wide Week of Action against the Government’s compulsory work-for-your-benefits schemes, targeted two charities who have persisted in exploiting the unemployed, sick and disabled through workfare.   People converged on the large British Heart Foundation…Read moreRead more

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