– ACTION TO STOP WORKFARE –    Britain-wide day of action against forced unpaid labour.. SATURDAY  8 SEPTEMBER MEET 12 NOON KIRKGATE SHOPPING CENTRE, FOOT OF LEITH WALK, EDINBURGH To take action against the British Heart Foundation charity who continue to use workfare conscripts. All welcome, bring banners, placards, whistles, drums.   Share This:

NO TO WORKFARE – Protesters picket Primark

Anti workfare protesters descended on Primark in Edinburgh’s city centre on Saturday 14 July.  The Princes Street store was picketed by protesters declaring their opposition to the government’s work-for-your-benefits schemes.  The demo, organised by Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty, was part of a UK-wide week of action against workfare coordinated through the Boycott Workfare network.  The week…Read moreRead more

NO TO SLAVE LABOUR Demonstrate at Primark

NO TO SLAVE LABOUR Demonstrate at PRIMARK 90-93 Princes Street Edinburgh EH2 2ER 12 noon Sat 14 July UK-wide week of action against workfare Targeting Primark due to their large-scale use of “work-for-your-benefits” schemes across the UK Organised by Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty ecap@lists.riseup.net Boycott Workfare network www.boycottworkfare.org Leaflets can be picked up from ACE, 17…Read moreRead more

Benefit Gig for ECAP and ACE

PRESENTING a fund raiser for The Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh and Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty… Leith Dockers Social Club,17-17A Academy Street, Edinburgh EH6 7EE www.leithdockersclub.co.uk/ Friday 29th June  7:30PM £3 at the door All extra donations welcomed All money goes to Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty and The Autonomous Centre Of Edinburgh FEATURING the rock ‘n’…Read moreRead more

Unemployed win right to representation at Workfare provider A4e

Unemployed people in Edinburgh have won a significant victory by forcing workfare provider A4e to recognise that claimants on their programmes have the right to take their own representative to meetings with A4e.  For over two and a half years A4e have refused to recognise reps from Edinburgh Claimants, affiliated to Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty.  A4e…Read moreRead more