March 31st Demo Against Workfare

Edinburgh stores occupied to oppose slave labour schemes Demonstrators in Edinburgh took direct action on the 31st March Britain-wide day of action against workfare.    Protesters occupied British Heart Foundation for an hour then invaded Poundstretcher – both heavily involved in the government’s compulsory “work-for-your-benefits” schemes.   Marching into the British Heart Foundation’s large furniture store…Read moreRead more

National Day of Action Against Workfare – Come & Join Us!

SAT 31st MARCH: ACTION TO STOP WORKFARE Britain-wide day of action against forced unpaid labour…. MEET 12 NOON KIRKGATE SHOPPING CENTRE, FOOT OF LEITH WALK To take action at companies and charities still using workfare conscripts- we say to those companies and charities still involved in his rip-off – stop now! All welcome, bring banners, placards, whistles, drums…. Organised…Read moreRead more

Edinburgh Tesco invaded by anti-workfare protesters

Demonstrators opposing compulsory work for benefits invaded two branches of Tesco and picketed Poundstretcher and British Heart Foundation in Edinburgh today Saturday 3rd March.  Police dragged protestors out of Tescos, provoking protests and a virtual blockade of the store entrance by the police themselves.  Protests continued along the Bridges area of the city centre for…Read moreRead more

Join us to demonstrate against Workfare

NO TO COMPULSORY “WORK-FOR-YOUR-BENEFITS” SCHEMES DEMONSTRATE IN EDINBURGH MEET 12 NOON SATURDAY 3RD MARCH HUNTER SQUARE, off SOUTH BRIDGE We will be demonstrating at Companies exploiting free slave labour….as part of a UK-wide day of action More and more people are opposing the Government’s compulsory “work-for-your-benefits” schemes such as the Work Programme.  Sainsburys, Waterstones, TK…Read moreRead more

CUTTING DISABILITY BENEFIT KILLS – Proclaim Demonstrators at ATOS Edinburgh Benefits Testing Centre

Cutting disability benefits kills!  That was the message from campaigners who protested at the ATOS benefits testing centre at York Place, Edinburgh on 16th December.  At the same time people demonstrated at ATOS in Glasgow, London and around Britain, as part of the UK wide month of action against ATOS and the unfair sickness benefits tests.  …Read moreRead more