Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty supports the workers in the Cleansing Department and other Council manual workers who are fighting the attempts by the City of Edinburgh Council to cut their wages and impose changes in their conditions.  Here is the latest news in this struggle which affects everyone in the city, and beyond. Street cleaners have…Read moreRead more

Support Jean Philippe at Edinburgh Employment Tribunal

“Support Jean Philippe to get the wages he’s owed. Come along to the Employment Tribunal to show Tradebase they can’t get away with treating their workers like dirt.”   Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty are organising a protest at Edinburgh’s Employment Tribunal on Thursday 3rd September. The protest is from 1pm till 2pm on Thursday 3rd September, outside the…Read moreRead more

High Riggs Hi-Jinks

Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty have published the first issue of High Riggs hi-jinks, a news sheet which talks about the reality of life at High Riggs Job Centre – and encourages people to fight back. If enough of us come together to support each other, we can change what happens at the Job Centre, and…Read moreRead more

Harassed by Fraud Investigators?

If you’re being harassed by “fraud” squad bullies from the Department of Work and Pensions – don’t stand for it….  Don’t panic… Don’t speak to them alone… Don’t let them into your house… Don’t sign anything without first getting advice… Get in touch with Edinburgh Claimants and ECAP at our Tuesday advice session   REMEMBER…….Read moreRead more

A4E and WorkDirections Invaded! Action Against the Welfare Reform Bill

Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty protested at High Riggs Job Centre on 13 March against the new Welfare Reform Bill. We condemn the legislation, currently under consideration by the Westminster Parliament, as “an attack on the poor”. Around 15 protesters later invaded the Edinburgh offices of A4E and Work Directions, displaying placards calling on people to resist the Bill….Read moreRead more