Stop the persecution of disabled claimants

Anne is disabled with serious health conditions. She has serious heart problems, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, personality disorder, OCD, asthma, depression, emphysema, anaemia, deafness of right ear, IBS, prolapsed womb. Now she faces prosecution for “benefit fraud”….. Anne obtained support from a welfare rights organisation to apply for Personal Independence Payment and received an award. But then…Read moreRead more

Poverty in Edinburgh

The Poverty Alliance briefing for the Edinburgh Poverty Commission. If you know anything about poverty in Edinburgh – or anywhere else in Britain – this report won’t come as a surprise. Whether the local council here in Edinburgh or any other authorities will take more than token steps to address the points raised is another…Read moreRead more

Up Against the DWP

Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty organises 3 or 4 advocacy stalls every month outside Jobcentres to give solidarity to claimants. Recently we have met several claimants who were ill and had been through the benefits medical examinations. One man could barely mount the steps to the jobcentre. He was in significant distress from severe breathlessness caused…Read moreRead more

Xmas/New Year Closing Times

Our last Tuesday drop-in will be on the 17 December. ECAP restarts again on 7 January. If you have an URGENT problem over the holiday period please email with URGENT PROBLEM in the subject header.  Please do not phone as it will not be checked over the holidays. Share This:

Six Blocks Newsletter

THE SIX BLOCKS – VOICE OF MUIRHOUSE COUNCIL TENANTS Edinburgh Council tenants organised in Living Rent tenants’ union haveproduced a new issue of the Six Blocks news-sheet, denouncing appallinghousing conditions and issuing a call to action.  Named after the six Council high rises in Muirhouse in north Edinburgh, the Six Blocks paper gives voice to…Read moreRead more