Never Face Them Alone!

ECAP was doing one of our regular advocacy stalls outside an Edinburgh jobcentre recently when we met a new young claimant being accompanied to sign on by an older relative. They had done this several times and it had gone well they said. This is excellent solidarity! Everyone has the right to be accompanied to…Read moreRead more

Resist DWP Hostile Environment!

Settled Status & Benefits In ECAP’s experience the DWP are regularly denying benefits to EU/EEA migrants, even when they are entitled under the benefits rules. “Hostile environment” practices are plunging many EU citizens into a desperate situation where after many years working in the UK they are left penniless when they need support. ECAP is…Read moreRead more


At a recent stall outside the jobcentre a claimant told us he had been sent on an unpaid work placement to B & Q last year. Remploy arranged the placement. The unpaid work was physically hard and didn’t provide any opportunities to learn skills. It didn’t appear to have been overtly compulsory but when the…Read moreRead more

New Year – More Resistance!

Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty organises to encourage resistance to Universal Credit, austerity and the whole profit-dominated exploiting system. The recent Action Against Austerity gathering in Glasgow agreed on plans to broaden the resistance to Universal Credit, and we hope to announce initiatives soon. Effective resistance means making oppressive policies unworkable. We need to build a movement….Read moreRead more

Tuesday Drop-In Closed Over Xmas

The last ECAP drop-in of the year is Tuesday 18th December. The first drop-in of 2019 will be Tuesday 8th January. If you’d like to get in touch during the xmas period, please email ECAP or message us on Facebook. Do not ring the ACE phone as it isn’t attended over the holidays.   Share…Read moreRead more