Victory for Edinburgh Unemployed Over A4e

Tribunal overturns sanction and upholds right to representation   Claimants in Edinburgh have won a potentially crucial victory in the battle for the right of unemployed people to be represented at DWP provider A4e – thanks to the courageous stand taken by brave ex-miner Peter. An independent Tribunal has ruled that a claimant cannot have…Read moreRead more


Just because the ConDem government forced you onto The Work Programme, they cannot legally force you to give your personal information to providers like A4e. In 2010 an A4e laptop containing the personal details of 24,000 Community Legal Advice Centre clients in Hull and Leicester was stolen in a burglary. The personal details included names,…Read moreRead more


THIS THURSDAY MORNING JOIN JOB CENTRE WORKERS PICKET LINE –  PROTEST AT A4E AGAINST COMPULSORY WORK-FOR-BENEFITS Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty is participating in the strike day against cuts this coming Thursday June 30th. Join us, come along any time for as long or short a time as you can manage. We will be joining the Job Centre workers picket…Read moreRead more

Unemployed Win Against A4e Bullies

Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty (ECAP) have won a significant victory for the unemployed in the war against New Deal provider A4e, thanks to the courageous stand taken by one brave unemployed ex-miner, who despite threats and benefit suspension stood up to A4e for over a year!    This infamous multinational have been denying the unemployed who are forced to attend their compulsory workfare schemes the right to…Read moreRead more

A4e office invaded: “Unemployed have right to choose our own representatives”

Supporters of Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty invaded A4e’s Edinburgh office on 15 November to distribute leaflets urging the unemployed people attending the Flexible New Deal provider to stand up for their rights.  The action – organised as part of the Britain-wide Day of Action against Welfare Cuts – was in resistance to A4e’s refusal to…Read moreRead more