Scottish Fuel Poverty Increases

From today’s Herald: The Westminster Government’s annual fuel poverty statistics, unveiled yesterday, show more than a quarter of Scotland’s 2.5 million households living in fuel poverty. The pressure group Energy Action Scotland predicts that following the big rises in gas and electricity prices announced recently, well over a third of Scots households will be fuel poor…Read moreRead more


Just because the ConDem government forced you onto The Work Programme, they cannot legally force you to give your personal information to providers like A4e. In 2010 an A4e laptop containing the personal details of 24,000 Community Legal Advice Centre clients in Hull and Leicester was stolen in a burglary. The personal details included names,…Read moreRead more

June 30th – Generalising the Resistance

Unemployed and Job Centre workers came together on 30th June in Edinburgh as part of the Britain-wide strike against pension cutbacks. Members of Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty joined the picket line at High Riggs Job Centre by Tollcross with placards reading UNEMPLOYED SUPPORT JOB CENTRE WORKERS. The workers were very pleased with the support, and discussions…Read moreRead more


THIS THURSDAY MORNING JOIN JOB CENTRE WORKERS PICKET LINE –  PROTEST AT A4E AGAINST COMPULSORY WORK-FOR-BENEFITS Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty is participating in the strike day against cuts this coming Thursday June 30th. Join us, come along any time for as long or short a time as you can manage. We will be joining the Job Centre workers picket…Read moreRead more

Shocking surprise – ATOS profits don’t drip down to their staff!

We’re seeing more and more civil service jobs being farmed out to private companies whose staff get less training, pay, and  pensions while being offered poorer working conditions than the public sector. According the Atos Origin annual report for 2009 the company raked in revenue worth €5,127 Billion. This includes ‘solid growth’ across their public sector contracts…Read moreRead more