Wed 1st Feb – Join ECAP in the Strike Solidarity activities

Join ECAP on the jobcentre workers picket lines 7.30am – 9.30am this Wednesday 1st February, at High Riggs and Leith Jobcentres (High Riggs jc by Tollcross, Leith jc at 199 Commercial St EH6 6QP ) PCS government workers rally 12 noon this Wednesday 1st at the Mound. Princes St Including workers employed by DWP, Scottish…Read moreRead more

Strike Solidarity

ECAP urges all to give solidarity with the current wave of strikes. It is encouraging that different groups of workers are coming together and are being joined by community activists like Living Rent and climate change activists – hopefully more people are realising that there are no single issues and that all struggles are linked….Read moreRead more