Solidarity demonstrators from round Scotland won an important victory at Edinburgh’s High Riggs jobcentre on 14th March.  The welfare rights worker from ECAP affiliated Edinburgh Claimants successfully accompanied the jobseeker to his appointment, as the DWP and G4S security backed down from their previous attempt to deny this right. Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty called the…Read moreRead more

ECAP visit Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre to say NO WORKFARE HERE!

On 8th February members of Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty visited Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre in Edinburgh to give out leaflets and talk to those present to explain why the Centre should withdraw from workfare. This followed several phone calls and e mails and many Facebook messages which had all been ignored by the Centre management.  …Read moreRead more

Sacked East Lothian Council Whistleblower fights back

Sacked East Lothian Council Whistleblower fights back. Mrs Sives a former manager with East Lothian Council says that: “Protected Disclosures do not work and do not protect whistleblowers from malicious employers. Whistleblowers are routinely victimised by their employer, ignored by regulators and let down by a court system that at best, concentrates on their employment…Read moreRead more

Tony Cox Trial: Solidarity with welfare activist arrested for accompanying a claimant

On 13th October demonstrators from around Scotland gathered at Forfar sheriff court in solidarity with welfare activist Tony Cox, on trial for representing a vulnerable claimant at Arbroath jobcentre.  Over 60 activists from Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty, Action Against Austerity, Dundee Against Austerity, AFed, IWW, GAC and Tony’s own Scottish Unemployed Workers’ Network came from Edinburgh,…Read moreRead more

Direct Action Wins Victory at Jobcentre – Advocacy Is Not A Crime

Claimants responded to a solidarity call-out by Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty and besieged High Riggs Jobcentre in Edinburgh on the morning of 14th September. This direct action and solidarity won a tremendous victory as the DWP gave in and agreed that jobseeker Adam could be accompanied to his appointment by ECAP activist Mike, without the…Read moreRead more