A protest by claimants and supporters won a victory for the rights of sick and disabled claimants at High Riggs jobcentre on 30 October. Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty had called for protest against illegal DWP demands that ESA claimants migrating to Universal Credit provide a “Fit Note” and go through a Work Capability Assessment.
At the jobcentre entrance, demonstrators displayed placards proclaiming “Cutting Disability Benefits Kills”, and a protestor dressed as the “DWP Grim Reaper” brandished their scythe menacingly. Meanwhile the ECAP delegation body-swerved past the security guards into the Jobcentre where we met High Riggs manager Kirsty Mahoney .
Ms Mahoney admitted that the jobcentre had been wrongly telling migrating ESA claimants they needed to get a Fit Note but promised that all High Riggs work coaches had now received clear instruction that ESA claimants migrating to Universal Credit kept their existing “not fit for work“ status and did not need to go through another Work Capability Assessment. Ms Mahoney stated the question had been raised by a Work Coach that very day and the clear instruction was given that no Fit Note was required.
Stand up for your rights!
Ms Mahoney assured ECAP that if there were any future problems a meeting could be arranged to sort matters and gave contact details. If you are in this position and have problems contact ecapmail@gmail.com and if needbe ECAP can take this up at management level.
This small victory was only achieved by numbers of people mobilising and taking action. But all the evidence points to this being a Britain-wide injustice and more action will be needed. This denial of legal rights all speaks volumes about the punitive nature of the social security system. As claimants we need to organise ourselves, support each other, and take action – and link with other struggles against capitalism and oppression. Let’s claim what’s ours – the world!
ESA – Universal Credit migration : more info on your rights here https://edinburghagainstpoverty.org.uk/?p=3463
Contact ecapmail@gmail.com
Below: High Riggs jobcentre, Edinburgh, 30th October 2024 : Demanding the DWP respect the rights of sick and disabled claimants